Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday, Sunny Sunday!

Another glorious day in Alabama! Although we are all sick with sinus infections and allergies and headaches, we had a beautiful day yesterday out on the town, trying to get fresh air and some sun on our faces.My boy got to pet a horsie for the first time, as well as a mother cow and her calf, which was very exciting! We grilled out for dinner and had fresh watermelon, corn and grilled shrimp, and watched the sun set in our backyard. Today is yet to be determined, but it is bright and sunny outside and I have high hopes that it will stay that way, and be as nice a day as yesterday. :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's Been a While....

Hey there! My, it's been several months since I wrote anything, and it is definitely past time to jot down a 'lil somethin' somethin.'

My Mommy is here!!!! She and my husband were in kahoots for almost 2 weeks planing a surprise visit, and boy was I so happily surprised! It was awesome, I was outside picking some flowers for the nursery and here she comes, honking up to the driveway! I couldn't believe it! The next day we were off to see my Grandparents and Aunt, Uncle and cousins in Fla for an early Easter gathering, and since then we've just been hanging out and unfortuatey been feeling sick, all of us. The pollen is so think you can write in it with your finger, and it s everywhere. My normally blue car is now green. They say it is the worst it's been in like 20 years. And I don't usually feel bothered by allegies but dang if I don't feel rotten now. Anyway, we're still aving a great time together, picked up some local honey and a basket of fresh strawberries on Monday and have been greatly enjoying those in the evenings for our desert. I am so happy my Mom is here! :)