I can't believe it, but my beautiful baby is finally here!! Jackson Charles! He is so adorable and sweet and he smells amazing and he is just so beautiful! He looks so much like Troy, it's awesome! :) Right now he is sleeping next to me on my bed, making sweet little sleeping noises and I am so madly in love! :) I can't believe he is here!
I went in to the hospital last Friday, the 22nd, and as they prepped me for surgery, I started laboring and having contractions. They got to between 5 and 6 minutes apart, so Jackson was coming that day no matter what! The surgery went really well- the frightening part was that the umbilical cord was wrapped around Jack's neck so it was scary, but they got it off of him quickly and out he came. The staff at the hospital were wonderful that day, and the painful part was when the spinal epidural wore off- they took a half hour to give me my morphine so I was in literal agony during that time. But once they gave it to me, I was doing better.
My Mom came here to be with us and help takecare of Colten-she brought him to the hospital and he got to see his new baby brother right away! Troy's parents were there before the surgery and everyone was so excited once he was born and safely resting in the nursery! Troy's Grandmother came as well, and she got to hold her great grandson. :)
The staff at the hospital were 95% wonderful- my 2nd and half of third day was awful. I was more than ready to get the heck out of there as soon as possible. My doctor however, was fantastic across the board- Dr. Clark- he was awesome! The nurses treated me like crap. I don't know what the difference was- the day of my surgery, everyone was as kind and thoughtful and sweet as could be! I was delighted to be there and my experience was fantastic. Then as soon as it was over, the following day they treated me like a lepor- either they avoided me completely, or were snotty and rude to me when they did show up. It was really bizarre and I was very dissapointed.
So, coming home was wonderful! Now here we are a few weeks later (I can't even believe he's 3 weeks old now!)- and I am still pretty sore, but getting more and more back to normal. I am ready to feel like myself again, get back to walking some and being able to play with Colten easier. I'm excited to be recovered. I hope it is soon. :)
I have to tell the world that my husband is the most amazing man on the face of the Earth! He has held down the fort like you wouldn't believe- he's done everything for me and the boys, helped out my Mom while she was here and shuttled back and forth between the hospital and home, done all the chores as I was unable to, and just basically reminded me how very blessed and lucky I am to have him. :)
Now, I'm going to go rest......