Thursday, September 30, 2010

Football Game

Tonight we went to watch our friends son play in a High School game in Enterprise! We had a great time! Colten loved the cheer leaders the most, I think. He'd clap and get all excited when they did their back flips down the half of the field!  We plan to go again next week, I'm looking forward to it. 
This is the high school that was hit by the F-5 tornado in '07 and was destroyed. 8 people were killed, and it is still a very sad subject for folks around here. You see stickers supporting Enterprise High all over the place here, and when people talk about it, they still get sad. We moved here a few months after it happened, and I'd been working for a catering company on Post when the school had their prom at the O Club. It was not a happy night for anyone, it seemed. It was a devastating experience, so to see their football team play was great! They just had their new school built. This game wasn't at the school, but hopefully one of them will be so we can go and see it. They highlighted it on the news about the first day at their new school. It was wonderful to see them all smiling, and happy for a new beginning.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Greatest living actors, and sadly, one who isn't....

I thought tonight I would put down here in my writings my thoughts on a few of my favorite actors. I'm not talking about any of these young kids out there in Hollywood who got lucky in a few good films. I'm talking about a few individuals whose performances took my breath away. I think it is safe to say they are my favorite performers of all time, and of course in my opinion they deserve to be everyone's favorites.... but alas, I can only speak for myself....

First and foremost, above and beyond any other living actor today, Sir Anthony Hopkins is without a doubt the most gifted that I have ever seen on film.  Truly, I could listen to him read the phonebook and be happy. I had a dream once, several years ago, that he and I were friends. It sounds like it would have been bizarre, I know. But it wasn't.  There I was, a young woman in my late 20's, and Hopkins, (who knows how old he was in my dream at the time), and we were almost like best friends! We hung out watching t.v. and I remember in one part, I was jotting down notes while he spoke to me about his life, acting, traveling the world. And we were walking through this dilapidated old manor of some kind, and laughing together like we'd known each other forever. Strange, but it was a really nice dream. It actually made me appreciate him that much more, how crazy is that?    Anyway, for a million and a half reasons, he's made the top of my list. From of course "Silence"  to "Magic".... he is just amazing.

Tom Hanks is a truly brilliant actor- he is simply so far beyond almost everybody out there making movies these days. He holds his own in anything he has ever done, save for maybe one or two back in the 80's, and even those my husband thinks are hysterical!  He moves me in some way in every movie I have ever seen him in. I just adore him, he's is an awesome actor in every single way, and I truly hope he doesn't retire any time... well, ever.

Morgan Freeman.  I cannot say it enough, the man is an absolutely incredible actor.... beyond words.  I love his voice, it is calming and commanding at the same time. And seriously, he has had me crying or laughing in anything I've ever seen of his.... he evokes such intense emotion with me, it is rare that I experience that so consistently.    Well, he and the next man on my list....

Clint Eastwood.   I just adore him, he is intense, funny, and he can break your heart all in the same film. I never was a fan of Westerns, but his performances are nothing short of phenomenal, and I just think so highly of him as an actor. He is a man's man, strong and intense and real.  He also has a soft side that comes through in his acting. He is wonderful. And he reminds me of my Dad.

The one man that I could not have this list without is unfortunately no longer with us. He is tied, in my heart, with Hopkins for this list. I am enamoured with this actor, he is my all time favorite ever....

                   Jimmy Stewart. 


There is no other actor out there as talented, creative, moving and funny as he.  I am so sad that he passed before making more and more movies for us to love. He was not only a great actor, but he was a great man.  He is the one person in history next to Martin Luther King, Jr. whom I would jump at the chance to go back in time to meet and say thank you.  And maybe give him a hug.   :)
What a cool guy!  I don't know what got into me tonight to make this list, but I thought I should share it with the world. I'd love to hear if any one agrees or disagrees with me.  Or has anyone they want to add to a new open list of favorites!  I'm all ears....    :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

For the love of nature....

I've not written in too long.... my only excuse is that -  1.  We went to the beach for a few days and I had no computer access.... 2.)  I was sick as a dog these past several days. Really thought I had Strep throat, but thankfully it is getting better and there were no white spots.  That I could see.  
Anyways, not much going on other than my exciting new adventure is starting to take shape.... I've received most of my herbs and oils in the mail and have begun creating new and exciting concoctions for myself and my family. I made a eucalyptus inhaler from my husband who is suffering from chronic sinus infections, and it's actually helping him, I'm so happy to say!  I made an herbal bath brew that smelled heavenly and a crazy chamomile/rose/coconut/peppermint lip-balm that is just plain awesome!!!!  So weird, and so awesome....  :)    I love it!    I've really been having a great time not only trying to find new and interesting things to make out of all of these herbs and oils, but also researching them, and finding out everything I can about which ones do what and which ones to pair up with others, etc. 
It is amazing to me how our Heavenly Father provided all of this for us before doctors were a twinkle in the Earth's eye.  He gave us these for our health and well being that have been here for the taking, and many of us have turned out backs on them. I was one of them. Now, I will never ever say they are a substitute for modern medicine, because I don't think they are. God also gave us minds and intelligence and science with which we have used to create medicines which have cured countless ailments and saved lives. However, here these plants and herbs still are, helping and healing us in many, many ways. And for that I am grateful. I had been one of those people that put little stock in these things because though lavender has always been calming to me, I rarely ever saw other "proof" that these things worked. Now that I have been reading and studying these things diligently, and actually working with them to see first hand what they can do, I am learning a great deal about the magic that is in these plants and herbs. That my Dad was right about how good melatonin really is for sleep, raspberry leaf helps nausea.... it's all just so amazing to me. I look forward to learning more and more, and seeing what magic I can create with what I now have, and know.  Diaper rash cream is up next on my list.... wish me luck!   :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fun Activities!

Wow, sometimes trying to come up with something fun to do when there is literally NOTHING going on around here is a real challenge. Though it is slowly but surely becoming beautiful outside and a bit cooler, I'm finding that it is still really hard to keep Colten entertained and having fun here at the house. I'm a bit scared to take him hiking around here because of the "bird-eating" ginormous spiders lurking in the trees every where I turn. (They're not really bird eaters, I just call them that because they are big enough that they look like they could take down a bird in a nano-second!) Shiver...... Anyways, no hiking, swimming is out because they've closed the pools here except for the weekends. There are only so many walks we can go on before it's way old hat. (I think it's safe to say we're already there.)
SO, I've been looking around for activities to do with my boy, and we've discovered some that are now daily rituals that he just loves!
-"I'm gonna gitcha!" - chasing each other to different rooms in the house and hiding anywhere we can come up with, reaching out like a (friendly) monster and whispering "boo!" Gets a laugh every time!
-Making tents and "clubhouses" in the living room. Loads of fun!
-Homemade play dough: I'll post the recipe later this afternoon, but I love making this stuff, it's a blast to play with and keeps him entertained for quite a while!
Color Time- bust out all the crayons and washable, safe markers I can find and tape some paper onto our coffee table, and lettin' him go to town!
Nature walk- we go exploring in our back yard and try to find pretty bugs and butterflies (NOTHING with 8 legs!) and we talk about them, play with them safely. We love bugs!
Dance party- I put on the music channel on the t.v. and as soon as there's ANY music on that has a beat of any kind, he is a happy camper! Quite the good little dancer! Takes after his mama! :)
Freeze dance- a classic.... just pausing the music from time to time and getting him to follow my lead when I freeze is a blast! He's so adorable!
-Daytime slumber party- putting on some old school (like from the 1960's) Sesame Street and snuggling up in a blanket and enjoying the old days together!

Lets see.... well, there's lots of other activities we do around here, and as I think of them, I'll post them here.
Now, off to have a fun day together! :)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Midnight Moon Cafe: The Good Witch

I came across this blog today and I LOVE IT! She covers a great movie I saw on the Hallmark Channel and thought I'd post it here.....

Midnight Moon Cafe: The Good Witch: "I was flipping channels last Saturday and came across a fun little made for TV movie on the Hallmark Channel, entitled The Good Witch. Not..."

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

All the bands I used to love...... and still do.

Way off the topic of this blog but.... I just suddenly felt very nastalgic today.... and the need to write down all these amazing bands and music groups I grew up listening to and loved so much so I never, ever forget them. I got in the mood today to dig through my memories and start looking up these guys (and gals) on iTunes and I just got in the zone- I could not stop!  I even re-bought a few of them, just for the H of it.  Sigh..... I just can't get enough.....


Book of Love (I so wish I could have seen them live....)  

Depeche Mode  (A HUGE regret of mine- that I never got to see them in concert. So obsessed with them.)
The Cure (Hands down, the best concert I ever went to, period. And I went to ALOT!)
                                                       New Order
     Tears for Fears
     Siouxsie and the Banshees
    Information Society          
U2    (still love them, oh, how I love them! Second best concert I ever went to, they were phenominal!!)

Dead or Alive            
Kon Kan   


I don't ever want to forget how much I love these bands!  I am into a broader spectrum of music now as I've grown up (a little....kind of....)  and though my general tastes may have changed ever so slightly, no matter where I am or what I'm doing- even if I am 99 and 1/2 years old and am somehow in a mall somewhere- and any song by any of these groups starts playing overhead, I know I will stop in my tracks, close my eyes and smile. And start singing......

Monday, September 6, 2010

One of my most favoritest things EVER!! .....

I love all things country, and I found an article today on AOL about Mason jars, and I had to post a link to it.... it has some fantastic ideas on how you can vary your uses of these cute little (or big) glass jars; some of them I've used many times, some of them I never even thought of. They are all great, and in the spirit of it still technically being summer, and yet slowly inching our way into the new season, I thought what better time to break out those trusty jars and use them in every way we can, while we still can.  I've used them all my life for either capturing (and always releasing) lightning bugs, drinking my lemonade, or holding my wildflowers after I've been on a picking spree..... I've used them as lanterns and simple tea-light holders, and I've used them to hold decorative items, or just storing away grain and wheat.  The possibilities really are endless....!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Alchemy, Herbal Remedies and Potions

So, I am trying to teach myself how to make some more healthful herbal remedies for common issues like cuts and scrapes, poisoned ivy/oak and skin allergies, stuff like that.... and I don't really know where to begin. I just feel like there are so many daggone chemicals being used in everything and especially for my little boy, I would like to go as natural as possible for him, and for us. I'd eventually love to learn how to make an effective face wash or astringent, even shampoo if I can....  If anyone has any suggestions or ideas of how to get started, I'd appreciate all the help I can get!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Jack Lenz..... Just awesome!

So I was watching the Hallmark Channel the other day and the movie, "The Good Witch" was playing. I DVR'd it and am watching it now.... the music is so moving, so pretty. I had to know who the composer was so I could find out what else he's done, where I could find and possibly download some of his pieces. There is just something about it, it moves me. And any music that moves me, I have to have it.   Well.....    

Jack Lenz.   He's a Baha'i!   I KNEW I liked him for a reason!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Message With A Bottle

Oh, my goodness gracious..... this guy is hysterical!
I just came across this blog by a new Dad and I gotta tell ya, he's one funny son of a gun! Heart warming and hilarious... check it out:

Message With A Bottle

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A little Blue

I don't know how much longer we have here in Alabama, and it's making me a bit sad today. I know, I know- I go on and on about being ready to leave, get outta here and away from the heat and the bugs and move up where it's cooler and I get all my four seasons. It's all true. But even still, on nights like tonight when it is cool, you can hear all those ornery bugs singing to us and the moon and stars are bright, the thought of leaving here, where we've made so many memories, brings a tightness to my chest. I had my first home as a married woman, my first dog who was all my own, my first duty station.... I had my first child here. I made friends here whom I hope to be life-long. And it is all these memories, coupled with the ambiance of quaint, southern charm and quiet country living that make me start wishing the Army will forget all about us, forget we're still here and then we can stay and maybe have more babies here, make more friends, more memories ....

I'd have to say, one of my all-time best memories of living here (and boy, there are many, many to choose from), was last Halloween. Troy and I took Colten trick or treating for the first time. Troy's parents stayed behind at the house to hand out candy and we, along with a mom and her two kids across the way, all walked around our neighborhood to git some candy. We strolled from house to house, the night was getting darker and darker as we were nearing the end of the evening, and we went down a darker street by a house that was known for their holiday spirit. We took pictures with them, gathered our candy and started for home. But this particular house, well they always did go all out- they had a fog machine to add to the haunted effect of their house and ghostly decorations out front. We walked away from the house and back up the street for home, farther and farther away we got and we were caught in darkness. The only light was from the moon above. We rounded the last curve of the road lined with trees, and we were then surrounded with swirling fog. It twisted and curled at our feet, and lurked up the rest of the street, down other roads and curves way off into the distance. It was everywhere we looked, and lit up by the moonlight- it was like we were in a living ghost story.    

That was by far one of the coolest Halloween memories I have ever had. I don't know if that particular family is still here, but so help me, if they are, (and we are) this Halloween, I'll be right there again with my little boy, husband and puppy in tow, ready to feel a little haunted once again.