Monday, September 6, 2010

One of my most favoritest things EVER!! .....

I love all things country, and I found an article today on AOL about Mason jars, and I had to post a link to it.... it has some fantastic ideas on how you can vary your uses of these cute little (or big) glass jars; some of them I've used many times, some of them I never even thought of. They are all great, and in the spirit of it still technically being summer, and yet slowly inching our way into the new season, I thought what better time to break out those trusty jars and use them in every way we can, while we still can.  I've used them all my life for either capturing (and always releasing) lightning bugs, drinking my lemonade, or holding my wildflowers after I've been on a picking spree..... I've used them as lanterns and simple tea-light holders, and I've used them to hold decorative items, or just storing away grain and wheat.  The possibilities really are endless....!


  1. so it's not weird that I really want to buy some little pint mason jars every time I see them. I have some quarts but no pints, I don't know what I'll do with them, but I always want some when I see them :)

  2. Lol, I know, me too! They are just so adorable, and if you do get some, check out that link and it'll give you a ton of cool ideas!
