Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Loss of Power

It is one of the coldest days we've had since we moved here, in my opinion, and all I can say is thank Goodness for a fireplace! A power wire in town melted in half and fell to the ground, catching the grass below on fire and causeing our street to lose all power! It was unbelievably cold, and as I said, I am so grateful that we have our fireplace because it kept us warm for hours into a dark night before it finally came back on.
 And even as I write this I feel so shallow and spoiled. I imagine how cold I was, and then I am reminded that there are families who not only do not have a fireplace on days and nights like these, but who haven't even a home to live in. We are so blessed, and I wish there was something I could do, especially when I step outside and have a coat to wear and so many other comforts to ease any winter discomfort. And there are so many people who don't have anything.  It really puts things into perspective, I tell you.
I also think about my love of history, where were no electric heaters, only the warm glow of candles and fireplaces, woodstoves and outside barrels. And yet I complain about the cold....


  1. We live in Illinois and I love the cold, but I always wonder at the sanity of the people who settled here without thermal gloves and heated cars. I mean, I would have been in Florida in a HEARTBEAT in the 1800's. No doubt.

  2. I know, seriously.... I cannot imagine how miserable that must have been back then. I love the cold too, but daggone! :)
