Sunday, June 12, 2011

7 Weeks To Go!

Wow, inexcusable that I haven't been keeping up with this since March, but here I am.... I'm sitting in a comfy arm chair with my beautiful son, waiting for my 2nd beautiful son to arrive, though I have just over 7 weeks left of my pregnancy- honestly, I'm ready.  I'm very ready.   I do like being pregnant, just not as much at this late stage; I am sore, tired all the time, physically exhausted doing even the simplest of tasks and now I've entered the "what the heck is my problem" stage, where I am dropping everything I touch, forgetting things left and right, and on top of it all, I'm nesting. Yes, nesting. Like a mama bird, I'm out of control!  I am collecting things for my baby chick like you wouldn't believe!! I have been collecting packages of diapers and wipes, as well as going through our trailer and gathering Colten's baby clothes and toys and random baby necessities. The baby-bag is already packed and ready to go, and I believe I am mostly prepared.... I hope.
Now, emotionally.... that is a different question. I am nervous, I am not going to lie. We are used to being a family of 4 (including Webster), and now it will be 5 and I pray that I am up to the challenge. There are a few people who keep going out of their way to make sure they tell me how difficult and hard and frustrating it's going to be, now I have NO idea what I'm in for and to brace myself, blah, blah, blah.  And I'm over it, I really am. I don't appreciate people encouraging me to get freaked out and worried about this joyous occasion!  I am excited about having a second child and I'm looking forward to all the love and happiness it will bring to our family. I am praying that Colten will adjust well and fall in love with his new baby brother! 
All in all, I'm just ready to go. I got diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes this time (I didn't have it with Colten), so that has been a bit of a challenge, but we're pressing forward and trying to eat well and make healthful choices so that things go smoothly. I've only gained 14 lbs this whole pregnancy, which is a miracle since I gained quite ALOT last time.So I am proud of myself for that and trying to keep up the good work.
I'll keep you posted! Ok, I'll try, I promise!   :)

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