Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Holy cow, it is Valentine's Day!!  2012!!!!  Man, I was thinking about it earlier today about how we all, I'm sure, used to think about it and really wonder what life would be like around now, many of us couldn't even picture it! Some thought we'd have floating cars and time machines, but in reality, we haven't don't too bad for ourselves scientifically if you think about it.... the Ipad? Who would have ever thought that could be possible? Skype? Seeing the person you are talking to on your cellphones and computers, it's  was science fiction- I remember when my Dad used to bring home computers to fix for work and it had the black screen with the neon-green type, the flashing cursor- playing games like "The Heist"and "Brick Out."   Watching movies on VHS and having that massive video recorder.... now I have a Flip camera and have literally hundreds of video clips at my finger tips. It really is amazing.....  :)

Now this has nothing to do whatsoever with Valentine's Day, I know.  But still, cool stuff to think about! :) 

And on the subject of V-Day- it was wonderful!  :)

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