Thursday, December 16, 2010

Long Time No Write.....

It has been far too long since I've had any time to write here in my Blog, and for that I am so sorry! I wish I'd taken the time to write everything that's been going on 'round here this past month, but there's just been something happening almost every day since we've arrived. Most nights we've spent at my parent's in law's home, because it is more convenient when we are out and about in town, but there have been many nights when we've been here and I've just been too tired at the end of the day to write everything down. We just haven't gotten into a rhythm here yet. Every day we are all over the place and sometimes I don't know where we'll be spending the night. I hope after that holidays we will be able to get into more regular schedule.
Will write more soon.....


  1. Ahhh yes it sounds like a very busy schedule but soon you will settle in a bit I am sure~ Happy Holidays

  2. Hi Carl! Wow, I haven't been getting these comments- they aren't being sent to my inbox for some reason, I'll look into that now.... Yes, it was crazy busy, but lots of fun! :) Hope you're doing ok out there!
