Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fun Activities!

Wow, sometimes trying to come up with something fun to do when there is literally NOTHING going on around here is a real challenge. Though it is slowly but surely becoming beautiful outside and a bit cooler, I'm finding that it is still really hard to keep Colten entertained and having fun here at the house. I'm a bit scared to take him hiking around here because of the "bird-eating" ginormous spiders lurking in the trees every where I turn. (They're not really bird eaters, I just call them that because they are big enough that they look like they could take down a bird in a nano-second!) Shiver...... Anyways, no hiking, swimming is out because they've closed the pools here except for the weekends. There are only so many walks we can go on before it's way old hat. (I think it's safe to say we're already there.)
SO, I've been looking around for activities to do with my boy, and we've discovered some that are now daily rituals that he just loves!
-"I'm gonna gitcha!" - chasing each other to different rooms in the house and hiding anywhere we can come up with, reaching out like a (friendly) monster and whispering "boo!" Gets a laugh every time!
-Making tents and "clubhouses" in the living room. Loads of fun!
-Homemade play dough: I'll post the recipe later this afternoon, but I love making this stuff, it's a blast to play with and keeps him entertained for quite a while!
Color Time- bust out all the crayons and washable, safe markers I can find and tape some paper onto our coffee table, and lettin' him go to town!
Nature walk- we go exploring in our back yard and try to find pretty bugs and butterflies (NOTHING with 8 legs!) and we talk about them, play with them safely. We love bugs!
Dance party- I put on the music channel on the t.v. and as soon as there's ANY music on that has a beat of any kind, he is a happy camper! Quite the good little dancer! Takes after his mama! :)
Freeze dance- a classic.... just pausing the music from time to time and getting him to follow my lead when I freeze is a blast! He's so adorable!
-Daytime slumber party- putting on some old school (like from the 1960's) Sesame Street and snuggling up in a blanket and enjoying the old days together!

Lets see.... well, there's lots of other activities we do around here, and as I think of them, I'll post them here.
Now, off to have a fun day together! :)

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