Tuesday, August 24, 2010


So I've been reading up lately about how handwriting really reflects who we are, and how it indicates our personality types. I have no real idea how it does this, there's some ideas about the slope of your words, block letters or cursive. I guess I can see how all that can give insight into one's personality. I have no idea what mine says about me- I'm a happy go lucky lefty! South Paw all the way, baby!!!! But my parents and teachers worked really hard with me to write properly despite the difficulty of writing left-handed. I see others sometimes for whom it is obviously a bit hard, and I am grateful that my Mom and Dad wanted me to be able to write easily. It is so funny, all of the older cousins in my family are lefties- and none of our parents are! It's very odd, we don't know how that happened! I was secretly hoping that Colten would be a lefty too, but, alas, it looks as though he is a righty. He bats left though, which pleases my hubby to no end, he says it will give him a sports advantage, I have no idea.... but he usually wants to color with his right. I guess it could change, but if he's already comfy with his right, then I'm happy for him that it'll be that much easier for him to write one day.
Incidentally, I came across this cool little signature tool on a blog I found, and it's pretty neat, so I've added it to my post! Pretty cool, huh?

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